Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

Lexicon is a language learning platform that uses artificial intelligence to help you improve your English speaking skills. Lexicon is easy to use and fast. You can access it from anywhere and practice your speaking skills at your own pace.

Lexicon is a language learning platform that uses artificial intelligence to help you improve your English speaking skills. Lexicon is easy to use and fast. You can access it from anywhere and practice your speaking skills at your own pace.

Lexicon stands out by combining professional expertise, advanced AI technologies, personalized content, and flexibility. Our focus on speaking skills and vocabulary development, transparent pricing policy, and AI integration make Lexicon a unique and effective platform for learning English.

Lexicon stands out by combining professional expertise, advanced AI technologies, personalized content, and flexibility. Our focus on speaking skills and vocabulary development, transparent pricing policy, and AI integration make Lexicon a unique and effective platform for learning English.

What is the Smart Card?

What is the Smart Card?

After your session, you can review the transcript and select the words you want to focus on for in-depth learning. The AI creates personalised Smart Cards for each selected word. These cards provide pronunciation, translations into your native language, definitions, friendly conversations, and formal examples of word usage. Smart Cards serve as a valuable tool for practicing vocabulary and for future reference.

After your session, you can review the transcript and select the words you want to focus on for in-depth learning. The AI creates personalised Smart Cards for each selected word. These cards provide pronunciation, translations into your native language, definitions, friendly conversations, and formal examples of word usage. Smart Cards serve as a valuable tool for practicing vocabulary and for future reference.

Which AI Technologies Does Lexicon Utilize?

Which AI Technologies Does Lexicon Utilize?

Lexicon leverages advanced AI technologies such as TTS (Text-to-Speech), STT (Speech-to-Text), GPT, and Meta AI. These technologies make the learning process interactive, engaging, and effective. AI also generates personalised content based on your age, profession, country, interests, and current learning focuses.

Lexicon leverages advanced AI technologies such as TTS (Text-to-Speech), STT (Speech-to-Text), GPT, and Meta AI. These technologies make the learning process interactive, engaging, and effective. AI also generates personalised content based on your age, profession, country, interests, and current learning focuses.

With our 10+ years of experience in the software industry, we develop specially designed tools for language learners.

© 2024

With our 10+ years of experience in the software industry, we develop specially designed tools for language learners.

© 2024

What Sets Lexicon Apart from Other English Learning Platforms?

What Sets Lexicon Apart from Other English Learning Platforms?